今年の夏もみなかみ町にはたくさんの「アブ」が生息しております。こいつは要注意。事務所で受付している時でもブンブンお構いなしにみんなの周りを飛んでいます。川に出ればいないだろ・・・と思いがちですが川の方がたくさん!笑 「前漕ぎゴー!!!」で頑張って漕いでもらいたいところにブンブン飛んでくるのでお客様もパニック!笑 アブの恐怖でなかなか上手く漕ぎ出せませんね汗 刺されないように気をつけましょ♪ ではでは今日もお疲れ様でした!
Rafting today with Abu, It was little scared when Abu came close to us because they do bite and they have fun. But to see them, It was really nice and beautiful. We did not get any problem even they were around us in the rafting. This is nature and wild little one.We had so much fun to see them and rafting in wave and play with water in this warm summer. Thank you Abu and all of you.