Rafting with cold wind!!!
みなさんこんにちは~。最近の利根川は水量も落ち着いてきて、まったりのんびりとしたラフティングツアーを行っております。 しかし、水量が少ないとどうしてもボートが突っかかってしまう・・・。上手く避けたいのだが時々ひっかかる・・・。まだまだ腕を磨かなければなりませんね笑 そこで、手強いのが「フリッパーズ」にある石。岩と岩の間を上手く避けてクリアするのですが、その先にちっさい石が飛び出ていてそこに引っかかってしまいます。なかなか手強い・・・
頑張ってスムーズに行けるよう努力します泣 それでは今日もお疲れ様でした♪
Today we had much different water. It been no sun and same time cold wind as well. It mean we feel little cold but not problem at all. Everybody enjoyed so much, had so much swimming, playing with boat and each other very happily. When we saw them, seems like they do not care about cold wind and cool water. We saw them, they were totally in to nature and want to play more with water. This is very good, when you come for rafting. You forgot all your pain and you are all the in to nature and paying with them.