天気が良いとこのように写真写りも良く、鮮明に写ります!今日のツアーは3本行い、みなさんとってもとっても元気の良いお客様達で我々も張り切ってしまいました笑 激流越えて「いぇーい!」泳いで「いぇーい!」飛び込んで「いぇーい!」とテンションあがりっぱなし♪ 今日もとっても楽しい1日となりました。みなさんお疲れ様でした♪
Today Sunday, it’s mean your holiday. We are very happy saw you with us in the river for the rafting. We could not say how much we play in the really cool and clean water. We played from starting to end of rafting, when you finished. We did not know, we did that much fun. We always love to see your happiness with us and want to see you again and again.
Thank you for the day everyone!!!!!