今日の1枚は「ぶつかるよ~!!!」の瞬間を激写したところです!!! このように、大きな岩を見つけては我々ガイドは全速力で岩めがけて正面から突っ込みます。その衝撃はなかなかのもので、ボートの先端が「グシャッ」となるくらい笑 そしてお客様は想像以上の衝撃に爆笑するしかないですね!笑 今日もお客様の楽しそうな笑顔が見られて、我々ガイドも嬉しい限りです。では、またいつの日か・・・。お疲れ様でした!
Today we had so many beautiful pictures but we choose those two. Please, write us what you think about our today pictures and rafting as well. Toady also we had great fun and enjoyed lots in the rafting. We did play with water, rapid, and rock as well. We did hit rock and wave many time and get fun with that. Same time we made photos with good smile and get down position. Smile!!! Get Down!!! Take care!!! Cheers!!!